The main instrument GUI is accessible by clicking on the leftmost tab at the bottom. It is
exactly the same for both the Lead Lead DI instruments and is titled ‘Lead Guitar’. The Lead
Guitar interface has three control areas. The top one consists of the following four knobs.
This knob sets the articulation preference. We use the term
because some
articulations require more conditions to be true in order to be activated. Here is a list of the
available articulations with description and the conditions for activation.
Picked :
Regular singlenote pick strokes. Requires no other condition. (Default setting)
Hammeron/Pulloff :
The technique of sharply bringing down or releasing a
frettinghand finger down on the fingerboard behind a fret, causing a note to
sound. Requires the note to be legato
, one or two semitones above or below.
Glissando :
The technique of sliding a frettinghand finger between two notes. Requires
legato note, one or two semitones above.
Bend :
The technique of pushing a string across the fingerboard with a frettinghand
finger so that the string gets tighter and the pitch goes up. Requires no other conditions.
Harmonic :
The technique of touching (instead of pushing down on the fret) the string at
a certain point in order to amplify vibration of certain overtones. Requires the note to be
higher than E3.
Octave :
A technique that allows a strum to mute all but two strings, which produces two
notes at octave interval. Requires note to be in the range of E3 to A5.
Articulation switching can be automated either by assigning a MIDI CC number to it, or by
pressing one of the articulation keyswitches before playing a note. The articulation
keyswitches are :
C#1 :
D#1 :
F#1 :
G#1 :
A#1 :
Releasing all articulation keyswitches activates the default Picked articulation.
[3] Legato note is a note that is pressed before the previous note has been released.
[4] Upward legato note is a legato note that is higher up the keyboard than the previous note.
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