Revision 5 from 12.09.2017
• To assemble the device, you need the following tools: A soldering iron, some
solder, a cutting pliers, a nippers, a screwdriver and a multimeter
• At the moment, the following versions of the FLIR Lepton sensor are supported:
2.0 (80x60), 2.5 (80x60 radiometric) & 3.0 (160x120)
• If you have the choice between multiple soldering tips, use the smallest one
• In case you have a soldering station with adjustable temperature, use around 400
- 450 degree celcius
• Catch the PCB, the microcontroller and one of the two pin header strips
• Cut the header strip with a cutting pliers into the following pieces: 2 x 15, 1 x 5 and
3 x 1
DIY-Thermocam V2 Assembly Guide
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DIY-Thermocam V2 Assembly Guide