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Installing and Operating Instructions




1592018110 XR460C GB r1.0 04.07.2005 





Con2 Compressor2 ON time with faulty probe2: (0÷255 min) time during which the compressor2 

is active in case of faulty thermostat probe. With COn=0 compressor2 is always OFF. 

COF2 Compressor2 OFF time with faulty probe2: (0÷255 min) time during which the compressor 

is off in case of faulty thermostat probe. With COF=0 compressor2 is always active. 

CH2  Kind of action for section 2CL = cooling; Ht =  heating 


CF  Temperature measurement unit: °C = Celsius; °F = Fahrenheit. When the measurement unit 

is changed the SET point and the values  of some parameters have to be modified. 

rES  Resolution (for °C): (in = 1°C; de = 0,1°C) allows decimal point display. dE = 0,1°C; in = 1 °C  
Lod1 Bottom display visualization: select which probe is displayed by the instrument in the bottom 

display: P1 = Thermostat1 probe; P2 = Evaporator probe; P2 = Thermostat2 probe 

Lod2 Upper display visualization: select which probe is displayed by the instrument in the upper 

display: P1 = Thermostat1 probe; P2 = Evaporator probe; P2 = Thermostat2 probe 


dFS  relation between defrosts.4 relation between the 2 sections of the controller are available, to 

manage different kinds of applications:  
= independent defrosts;  
StS = same defrost start, synchronised defrost end;  
St = same defrost start, independent defrost end;  
SE = sequential defrost;  

tdF1  Defrost type, section 1: rE = electrical heater (Compressor OFF);  

in = hot gas (Compressor and defrost relays ON) 

EdF1 Defrost mode, section 1:   

in = interval mode. The defrost starts when the time “IdF1” is expired. 
Sd = Smartdefrost mode. The time IdF (interval between defrosts) is increased only when the 
compressor is running (even non consecutively).  

SdF1 Set point for SMARTDEFROST, section 1: (-30


30 °C/ -22


86 °F) evaporator temperature 

which allows the IdF counting (interval between defrosts) in SMARTDEFROST mode. 

dtE1  Defrost termination temperature, section 1: (-50,0÷110,0°C; -58÷230°F) (Enabled only 

when the evaporator probe is present) sets the temperature measured by the evaporator probe 
which causes the end of defrost. 

IdF1 Interval between defrosts, section 1: (1÷120h) Determines the time interval between the 

beginning of two defrost cycles. 

MdF1  (Maximum) duration of defrost, section 1: (0÷255 min) When P2P = no, no evaporator 

probe, it sets the defrost duration, when P2P = yES, defrost end based on temperature, it sets 
the maximum length for defrost. 

tPF1 Pre-defrost  time: (0÷30min) The compressor is activated for this time before a hot gas 


Fdt1 Drain down time, section 1: (0÷60 min.) time interval between reaching defrost termination 

temperature and the restoring of the control’s normal operation. This time allows the evaporator 
to eliminate water drops that might have formed due to defrost. 

dPo1  First defrost after start-up, section 1:  y = Immediately; n = after the IdF time 

EdF2 Defrost mode, section 2:   

in = interval mode. The defrost starts when the time “IdF2” is expired. 
Sd = Smartdefrost mode. The time IdF (interval between defrosts) is increased only when the 
compressor is running (even non consecutively).  

IdF2 Interval between defrosts, section 2: (1÷120h) Determines the time interval between the 

beginning of two defrost cycles. 

MdF2  (Maximum) duration of defrost, section 2: (0÷255 min) it sets the defrost duration. 
dFd Display during defrostrt = real temperature; it = temperature reading at the defrost start; 

Set = set point; dEF = “dEF” label;  dEG = “dEG” label; 

dAd  Defrost display time out: (0


255 min) Sets the maximum time between the end of defrost 

and the restarting of the real room temperature display. 

dSd Start defrost delay : ( 0÷99min) This is useful when different defrost start times are necessary 

to avoid overloading the plant.  



FnC1 Fan operating mode, section 1

C-n = running with the compressor1, OFF during the defrost;  
C-y = running with the compressor1, ON during the defrost; 
O-n = continuous mode, OFF during the defrost; 
O-y = continuous mode, ON during the defrost; 

Fnd1  Fan delay after defrost, section 1: (0÷255 min) The time interval between the defrost end 

and evaporator fans start. 

FSt1 Fan stop temperature, section 1: (-50÷110°C; -58÷230°F) setting of temperature, detected 

by evaporator probe, above which the fan is always OFF. 

FAP1 Probe selection for fans management, section 1: nP = no probe: fan follows the setting of 

FnC1 parameter; P1 = thermostat 1 probe; P2 = thermostat 2 probe; P3 = evaporator probe;  



ALc1 Temperature alarms configuration, section 1: it determines if alarms are relative to set 

point 1 or referred to absolute values: rE relative to set point; Ab absolute temperature 

ALL1  Minimum alarm, section 1:  

with ALc1=rE: relative to set point1, (0÷50°C)  this value is subtracted from the set point1. 
The alarm signal is enabled when the probe values goes below the “SET1-ALL” value. 


ALc1=Ab absolute value, minimum alarm is enabled when the probe values goes below 

the “ALL1” value. 

ALU1  Maximum alarm, section 1:  

ALc1=rE: alarm relative to set point1, (0÷50°C) Maximum alarm is enabled when the 

probe values exceeds the “SET1+ALU” value.  


with ALc1=Ab: absolute alarm, (Set1÷Full Sc.) Maximum alarm is enabled when the probe 
values exceeds the “ALU” value. 

ALd1 Temperature alarm delay, section 1: (0÷255 min) time interval between the detection of an 

alarm condition and the corresponding alarm signalling. 

dAo1 Delay of temperature alarm at start-up, section 1: (0min÷23h 50min) time interval between 

the detection of the temperature alarm condition in section after the instrument power on and 
the alarm signalling. 

ALc2 Temperature alarms configuration, section 2: it determines if alarms are relative to set 

point 2 or referred to absolute values: rE relative to set point; Ab absolute temperature 

ALL2  Minimum alarm, section 2:  


with ALc2=rE: relative to set point1, (0÷50°C)  this value is subtracted from the set point2. 
The alarm signal is enabled when the probe values goes below the “SET2-ALL” value. 


ALc2=Ab absolute value, minimum alarm is enabled when the probe values goes below 

the “ALL2” value. 

ALU2  Maximum alarm, section 2:  

ALc2=rE: alarm relative to set point1, (0÷50°C) Maximum alarm is enabled when the 

probe values exceeds the “SET2+ALU” value.  


with ALc2=Ab: absolute alarm, (Set2÷Full Sc.) Maximum alarm is enabled when the probe 
values exceeds the “ALU” value. 

ALd2 Temperature alarm delay, section 2: (0÷255 min) time interval between the detection of an 

alarm condition and the corresponding alarm signalling. 

dAo2 Delay of temperature alarm at start-up, section 2: (0min÷23h 50min) time interval between 

the detection of the temperature alarm condition in section after the instrument power on and 
the alarm signalling. 

AFH Temperature alarm and fan differential: (0,1÷25,5°C; 1÷45°F) Intervention differential for 

temperature alarm set point and fan regulation set point, always positive. 

EdA Alarm delay at the end of defrost: (0


255 min) Time interval between the detection of the 

temperature alarm condition at the end of defrost and the alarm signalling. 

dot   Delay of temperature alarm after closing the door : (0


255 min) Time delay to signal the 

temperature alarm condition after closing the door. 

doA  Open door alarm delay:(0÷255 min) delay between the detection of the open door condition 

and its alarm signalling: the flashing message “dA” is displayed. 


Pbc  Kind of probePtc = PTC; ntc = NTC 
oFS1 Thermostat1 probe calibration: (-12.0


12.0°C/ -21


21°F) allows to adjust possible offset of 

the thermostat1 probe. 

oFS2 Thermostat2 probe calibration: (-12.0


12.0°C/ -21


21°F) allows to adjust possible offset of 

the thermostat2 probe. 

oFS3 Evaporator probe calibration: (-12.0


12.0°C/ -21


21°F) allows to adjust possible offsets of 

the evaporator probe. 

P2P  Thermostat2 probe presence : no= not present; yES= present. 
P3P  Evaporator probe presence: : no= not present: the defrost stops only by time; yES= present: 

the defrost stops by temperature and time. 


i1P  Digital input 1 polarity (14-15): 

CL : the digital input is activated by closing the contact; 


OP : the digital input is activated by opening the contact. 

i1F  Digital input 1 operating mode(14-15): configure the digital input function
 MP1 = door switch 1; MP2 = door switch 2, MP: door switch (it’s used by both the sections); 

EA1 = generic alarm section 1; EA2 = generic alarm section 2; EAL = generic alarm (it’s used 
by both the sections);  bA1 = serious alarm mode section 1; bA2 = serious alarm mode section 
2; , bAL = serious alarm mode section (it’s used by both the sections);  dF1 = Start defrost, 
section 1; dF2 = Start defrost, section 2; dEF = Start defrost (it’s used by both the sections);  
oF1 = remote on/ off, section1; oF2 = remote on/ off, section 2; oFF =  = remote on/ off (it’s 
used by both the sections); ES = Energy Saving 

i2P  Digital input 2 polarity(13-14)

CL : the digital input is activated by closing the contact; 


OP : the digital input is activated by opening the contact. 

i2F  Digital input 2 operating mode(13-14): configure the digital input function
 MP1 = door switch 1; MP2 = door switch 2, MP: door switch (it’s used by both the sections); 

EA1 = generic alarm section 1; EA2 = generic alarm section 2; EAL = generic alarm (it’s used 
by both the sections);  bA1 = serious alarm mode section 1; bA2 = serious alarm mode section 
2; , bAL = serious alarm mode section (it’s used by both the sections);  dF1 = Start defrost, 
section 1; dF2 = Start defrost, section 2; dEF = Start defrost (it’s used by both the sections);  
oF1 = remote on/ off, section1; oF2 = remote on/ off, section 2; oFF =  = remote on/ off (it’s 
used by both the sections); ES = Energy Saving 

odc1 Compressor and fan status when open door, section 1:  

no = normal; Fan = Fan OFF; CPr = Compressor OFF;  F_C = Compressor and fan OFF.  

rrd1 Outputs restart after door open alarm, section 1n = status of outputs according to odc1; Y

outputs restart working. 

did1 Time interval delay for digital input alarm, section 1:(0


255 min.) With  i1F or i2F = EAL1 or 

bAL1 (external alarms), “did” parameter defines the time delay between the detection and the 
successive signalling of the alarm. 

odc2 Compressor status when open door, section 2: no ,Fan = normal;  

CPr, F_C = Compressor OFF.  

rrd2 Outputs restart after door open alarm, section 2n = status of outputs according to odc2;  

Y= outputs restart working. 

did2 Time interval delay for digital input alarm, section 2:(0


255 min.) With  i1F or i2F = EAL1 or 

bAL1 (external alarms), “did” parameter defines the time delay between the detection and the 
successive signalling of the alarm. 



Temperature increase during the Energy Saving cycle, section 1: (-30÷30°C / 

 -54÷54°F) sets the increasing value of the set point1 during the Energy Saving cycle.  


Temperature increase during the Energy Saving cycle, section 2: (-30÷30°C /  

-54÷54°F) sets the increasing value of the set point2 during the Energy Saving cycle.  


RS485 serial address, section 1  (1÷247)Identifies section 1 address when connected 

to a ModBUS compatible monitoring system. 


RS485 serial address, section 2  (1÷247)Identifies section 2 address when connected 

to a ModBUS compatible monitoring system. 


If Adr1 = Adr2  

dP1  First probe display 

dP2  Second probe display 

dP3  Third probe display 
 Stand-by function:   n = Stand-by function not enabled; y = Stand-by function enabled (under 

SET key control). 

rEL   Release software: (read only) Software version of the microprocessor. 
Ptb   Parameter table: (read only) it shows the original code of the 


 parameter map. 

Pr2   Access to the protected parameter list (read only). 
