Dish Antennas - SuperDISH 105 and SuperDISH 121
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SuperDISH 105 and SuperDISH 121
Views 110°, 119°, and 105° or 121°.
Uses DP34 Switch, DP Plus 44 Switch, or DP Plus 33 Switch.
A DP Plus 33 Switch can be used for single-cable/dual-tuner receiver installations
with DP Plus Separators.
A DP Plus 44 Switch can be used for an additional orbital location, or for single-
cable/dual-tuner receiver installations with DP Plus Separators.
Do not use Legacy LNBFs and switches.
The following Legacy receivers do not have 105° or 121° support: Models 1000, 3000,
4000, 5000, JVC-DVHS (IRR), and DishPlayer 7100/7200.
Antenna dimensions: 34.3"W x 24.4"H.
For more information:
Getting to Know the SuperDISH Antenna.
SuperDISH 121
SuperDISH 105