© 2001 Directed Electronics, Inc. Vista, CA
installation points to remember
This system has many unique features, some of which require unique testing procedures! Carefully review both
this installation guide and the owner’s guide before beginning the installation or this system, particularly the
wiring diagrams.
The control module’s PC board is protected with a conformal coating which will combat condensation build-
up, however the system is
. This system and all of its components
be installed in a
location where they cannot become wet or be submerged in water.
We recommend insulating all your soldered or crimped connections with heat shrink or electrical tape. We
also recommend spraying a silicone sealant on all your connections and plugs AFTER they are connected and
plugged in. Spraying beforehand prevents good electrical connections.
This unit is equipped with Nuisance Prevention Circuitry, which can bypass zones that are repeatedly trig-
gered, causing them to appear not to work. For a detailed description of this feature, refer to the Nuisance
Prevention Circuitry section of the Owner's Guide.
If possible, consult with the customer to determine the location of the Status LED.
Never mount components where they can be easily disconnected, or where they might interfere with normal
operation or obstruct service technicians.
After the installation is complete:
Before mounting the control module, in conditions where moisture or condensation may build up around the
control module's Molex plugs, we recommend applying white lithium grease or an electrical conductive-type
grease around the control module’s Molex plug contacts to prevent the terminals from oxidizing.
Make sure to test all functions. The “Using Your System” section of the owner’s guide is very helpful when
testing the system.