© 2 0 0 4 d i re c t e d e l e c t ro n i c s , i n c .
ters that have been lost, stolen, or incorrectly programmed
into the system.
After entering this feature press any button on the transmit-
ter; the siren will chirp to indicate that all transmitters have
been erased from memory.
pin programming
A PIN code can have one to four digits; each digit can be from 0-9.
Programming Procedure
Enter the feature location in the installer programming grid.
Immediately press and release
of the PlainView 2 Valet
Select each digit by pressing
1-9 times, and then press
to enter the number into the system. To enter a zero,
press only.
To program a PIN code of 1032:
Press and release
once and
once. You will
hear one chirp.
Press and release
once. You will not hear a chirp
after programming a zero.
Press and release
three times, and then press
once. You will hear three chirps.
nnoottee:: A PIN code cannot begin with a zero.