© 2 0 0 6 D i r e c t e d E l e c t r o n i c s
a. Option 1: The LED will turn ON and the Horn will pulse
b. Option 2-4: The LED will flash and the Horn will pulse
2-4 times to indicate the option and the LED will
continue to flash to indicate the option.
Return to the beginning of the Menu:
To return to the beginning of the menu at any time, press and hold
the Momentary Switch for 2 seconds.
Advance to different feature location:
To advance to a new location within the same menu press/release
the Momentary Switch the same number of times as the difference
between the feature locations.
Exiting Feature programming:
The following will cause the system to exit programming and is
indicated by 5 short chirps of the Horn output.
a. More than 15 seconds lapses between inputs by
Momentary switch or activation input
b. The ignition is turned on
to advance from feature location 2 to feature
location 8 press/release (do not hold) the Momentary
switch 6 times, after 2 seconds the LED will flash 8
times to indicate the newly accessed feature location.