© 2 0 0 6 D i r e c t e d E l e c t r o n i c s
Step 5, Programming
Programming System Settings
Many of the features and operations of this system can be changed
to suit most of today's vehicle electrical systems. The program-
ming routine and feature menus that follow will allow making the
changes required for most vehicle installations.
System programming routine:
Accessing a Menu:
1. Turn the ignition ON and then OFF in less than 5 seconds
2. Within 3 seconds Press/Hold the Momentary Switch
3. After 2 seconds the LED will flash once and Horn will
pulse once and repeat.
4. Release the Momentary Switch to access the menu. The
LED and Horn outputs will cease.
Accessing a Feature Location:
1. Press and release (do not hold) the Momentary Switch
the same number of times as the feature location to be
accessed. See the Feature Chart for locations.
2. After 2 seconds the LED will flash (the number of flashes
will match with the feature location) to confirm the
feature location. It will flash/pause and repeat until the
feature is changed or programming is exited.
3. Pulse the Red/White activation input wire. Each pulse
will toggle through each of the available options. The
LED and Horn outputs will pulse to indicate the selected