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© 2005 Directed Electronics, Inc.
12A. Tach Rate Learning
Only use if the tachometer sensing method is chosen.
A. Connect the GREEN wire to the car’s tach wire under the hood.
B. Turn the On/Off control switch to the “OFF” position. Wait 5 seconds
for the flashing of the red LED to stop.
C. Push the white button to the left of the red LED once and you will see the
red LED flash. Now push the red button on the right side for a second
until you see the red LED flash again. You are now in TACH mode. (If
the LED flashed twice -- simply push the right button again until you get
only one flash).
D. Wait 5 seconds for the red LED to flash 3 times.
Turn the On/Off control switch back to the “ON” position
Start the car and let it get to a
idle. Do not press on the gas pedal.
G. Push the red button to the right of the red LED.
H. Watch the red LED. It will turn on (solidly) after 3 or 4 seconds,
indicating that the idle rate has been learned.
Turn the key to the “Lock/Off” position.
Once this step is complete, the red LED should remain lit only when the engine
is running (at up to twice the learned idle rate--above this rate the LED light
should shut off). THIS IS CRITICAL. Confirm this by running the engine
(with the key in the ignition) and pressing the gas pedal to raise the idle rate to
twice the normal rate. The red LED should turn off. If it does not turn off,
repeat the tach rate learning step and check the
wire connection and
13. Red/White Wire
Remote Input
Control Harness
wire is used to trigger the AutoCommand
to start. Giving this wire
a negative pulse will cause the AutoCommand
to start. Giving it another negative pulse
will cause it to stop.
Hook this wire up to the output wire of your remote car alarm or keyless entry system.
Or, hook it to the lock or unlock wire of your vehicle and set Option 8 as described in
Section 21.