© 2005 Directed Electronics—all rights reserved
1. PPW
WRR (LED blue) - when illuminated
indicates that the amplifier is on.
2. HHII IInnppuutt (high level input) - Accepts
1v to 10v input from the headunit’s
speaker output. The amplifier will
automatically wake-up when the
input is greater than 1V.
3. RRCCAA IInnppuuttss - accepts RCA input from a
source unit, preamplifier, or equalizer.
4. LLeevveell CCoonnttrrooll - continuously adjusts
from 150mV to 5V for full power
5. CCrroossssoovveerr SSw
wiittcchh - activates low
pass crossover, full (all pass), or
high pass crossover.
6. LLoow
w--PPaassss FFrreeqquueennccyy CCoonnttrrooll - adjusts
the frequency (50Hz–500Hz) of
the lowpass crossover.
7. HHiigghh--PPaassss FFrreeqquueennccyy CCoonnttrrooll - adjusts
the frequency (50Hz–500Hz) of
the highpass crossover.
8. BBaassss - sets the bass boost of the
high-pass crossover to 0, 5 or 12dB
of boost.
9. PPRRTT (LED red) - illuminates when
the PRT (Protection) function is
active. Activates to protect the
amplifier when the temperature is
too high, the output has a DC
offset, a short was detected on the
output, or the amplifier power
cables have been improperly
connected (reverse power). If the
temperature, DC offset, or short
condition has cleared after approxi-
mately 10-seconds the amplifier
will automatically recover.
NNOOTTEE:: The numbers listed below are referenced on the Input Wiring Diagram.