© 2005 Directed Electronics—all rights reserved
10. SSppeeaakkeerr CCoonnnneeccttiioonnss - Note that the
two speakers & four speakers have
been connected to the four terminal
following the (+) and (-) graphic.
Your speaker terminal may be
marked (+) and (-) or there may
be red dot by one terminal which
means the same as (+).
Connecting the speakers in this
manner assures that the two
speaker cones will move in and out
together according to the original
recording. If one of the two
speakers is reversed, stereo
imaging and bass response will be
Refer to the specifications for the
wire size to be used with your
11. AATTCC FFuusseess - protects the amplifier
from over current situations. See
specification for fuse size for your
amplifier. NNoottee:: The XA-3002 has
only one fuse.
12. ((++)) 1122 VVoolltt PPoow
weerr - Connect this
terminal through a FUSE or CIRCUIT
BREAKER to the positive terminal of
the vehicle battery or the positive
terminal of an isolated audio
system battery. Refer to the specifi-
cations for the wire size to be used
with your amplifier.
WAARRNNIINNGG:: Always protect this power wire by installing a fuse
or circuit breaker of the appropriate size within
12 inches of the battery terminal connection.
moottee TTuurrnn OOnn - This terminal
turns on the amplifier when (+) 12
volt is applied to it. Connect it to
the remote turn on lead of the head
unit or signal source. If a (+) 12
volt remote turn lead is not avail-
able, a Remote Power Adapter
(P/N #55000) can be used to
supply a remote turn on signal. DO
NOT connect this terminal to
constant (+) 12 volt.
GGrroouunndd -- Connect this terminal
directly to the sheet metal chassis
of the vehicle using the shortest
wire necessary to make this
connection. Always use wire of the
same gauge or larger than the (+)
12 volt power wire. The chassis
connection point should be scraped
free of paint and dirt. Use only
quality crimped and/or soldered
connectors at both ends of this
wire. DO NOT connect this terminal
directly to the vehicle battery
ground terminal or any other
factory ground points.
NNOOTTEE:: The numbers listed below are referenced on the Speaker Wiring Diagram.