403.HYUNDAI10 2.11 2020 Hyundai Santa Fe (Smart Key)
©2022 VOXX•DEI LLC. All rights reserved.
LED diagnostics and troubleshooting
This section provides LED diagnostics and troubleshooting information to guide you through the various stages of your installation.
Module Programming
Module has no power.
Make sure the D2D harness is connected and that 12 Volt is present between the red and black wires. If
12 Volt is present, the module may be defective.
Solid red
Waiting to begin the programming
Ensure the correct programming procedure is being followed.
Flashes green & red
Initialization failed.
Reset the module and complete the programming again. If the issue persists, please contact Technical
Solid orange
Transponder functions were skipped.
(If compatible) when RXT mode is not desired or convenience features are needed, please reset the and
reprogram the module.
Flashes green
All required CAN networks has been
Normal operation.
Flashes orange
1 of 2 CAN networks has been detected.
Normal operation.
Flashes orange
Key2GO initiated.
Please follow the steps indicated in “Module programming” to complete the Key2GO programming.
Solid green x 3 secs
Module was successfully programmed with
all functions.
Normal operation.
Solid orange x 3 secs
Module was successfully programmed
without transponder functions.
Normal operation.
Module Programming - Error codes
Flashes red x 1
CAN2 not detected.
Check the CAN2 Orange/Green and Orange/Brown wire connections. Wake up the data bus by
turning the ignition on and try again. If your installation does not require this connection, skip this step by
pressing the programming button 5 times.
Flashes red x 1
J1850 not detected.
Check the J1850 wire connection. Wake up the data bus by turning the ignition on and try again.
Flashes red x 2
CAN1 not detected.
Check the CAN1 Tan and Tan/Black wire connections. Wake up the data bus by turning the ignition on
and try again. If your installation does not require this connection, skip this step by pressing the
programming button 5 times.
Flashes red x 3
Bypass data not detected.
Check the bypass line connection. If more than one wire is used, make sure they are not inverted. Ensure
the vehicle still operates correctly using the factory key.
Flashes red x 4
Bypass processing error.
The bypass calculation failed. Reset the module and try again. If the condition persists, please contact
Technical Support.
Flashes red x 5
ISO 1 not detected.
Flashes red x 6
ISO 2 not detected.
Flashes red x 7
MUX not detected.
External Module Synchronization
(Flashes red, red,
then orange) x 10
OBDII feature not supported.
The diagnostic data bus was not detected, therefore the SmartStart features will be limited.