4-Camera H.264 Security System Setup Guide
8.7.1 Channel
The channel connected to a PTZ device.
8.7.2 Protocol
Select the protocol of the PTZ device. Options are: Pelco-D and Pelco-P.
8.7.3 Baud Rate
Select the baud rate PTZ device. It must be consistent with the baud rate of the actual PTZ cameras installed. Options are: 1200,
2400, 4800, 9600.
8.7.4 Data Bit
Select the data bits setting of the PTZ device. Options include 5, 6, 7 and 8. The default setting is 8.
8.7.5 Stop Bit
Select the stop bit setting of the PTZ device. Options include 1 and 2. The default setting is 1.
8.7.6 Parity
Select the parity setting of the PTZ device. Options include NONE, ODD, EVEN, MARK, and SPACE. The default setting is NONE.
8.7.7 Address
Select the address ID of the PTZ device. Options are 1 .. 255.