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• Do not cover any power cord with rugs, linens, cloths or other products that may cause heat to
build up. Heat may build up or the cord may be damaged.
• Check surrounding equipment for signs of excessive heat or physical damage.
• Inspect the floor beneath the bed for buildup of dust and lint. Ask housekeeping to clean, if necessary.
• Inspect the resident’s bed controls, looking for signs of damage where liquids could leak in.
• Test the bed and its controls, including resident lockout features, to ensure the bed can move freely in
both directions without damaging any cords.
• Keep linens and clothes away from power sources.
• Tell maintenance staff about any unusual sounds, burning odors or unusual movement of bed.
• If you suspect overheating, follow your facility’s policy for fire safety and move the resident to a safe
area, if necessary.
Warning Labels