DWG2000E/F/G GSM/CDMA VoIP Gateway User Manual
Shenzhen Dinstar Technologies Co., Ltd.
It indicates that calls incoming call from mobile
will match the prefix ”any”, and the called
nubmer which
match with the prefix ”1111” will be added 075 in front of called number.
4.9 Operation
4.9.1 IP->Tel Operation
Figure 4-9-1 IP->Tel Operation
Table 4-9-1 Description of IP->Tel Operation
IP->Tel Operation
It is an optional configuration item. Operation configuration
essentially involves allow, barring some IP and IP Group send calls to
certain numbers. It includes: forbid call, call allowance, auto call, and
password authentication.
It uniquely identifies a route. Its value is assigned globally, ranging
from 0 to 31.
Source IP
It specifies the source IP/SIP server which will send the calls to