DWG2000C-4/8G User Manual
Table 4-6-2 Description of Mobile Configuration
Mobile Number
Phone number of current SIM card
Enable Call Duration
Limitation of single call
Definite maximum call duration for single call. Example: if Time of single
call set to 10, the call will be disconnected after talking 10*step seconds
Step length value range is 1-120 s, step length multiplied by time of single
call just said a single call duration time allowed.
Time of single call
The value of limitation single call, this value range is 1-65535. step length
multiplied by time of single call just said a single call duration time allowed.
This function is to limit the total call duration of GSM channel. The max call
duration is between 1 to 65535 minutes.
Auto Reset
Automatic restore remaining talk time, that is, get total call minutes of GSM
Reset Period
Reset call minutes by date, by week, by month
Next Reset time
Defined next reset date, system will count start from that date and work as
Reset Period setting
Minimum Charging Time
A single call over this time, GSM side of the operators began to collect
fees, unit for seconds.
Alarm Threshold(via SMS)
Define a threshold value of call minutes, while the call minutes less than
this value, the gateway will send alarm information to designated phone
number via SMS.
Mobile Number (Receiving
Receiving alarm phone number, user will received alarm message from
Port Description for Alarm
Alarm port information description, which will be sent to user mobile phone
with alarm information.
SIM Remain Time
This value is multiplied by to step length is a rest call time
Restore Time
Restore the rest of the SIM card talk time to the maximum call duration
Caller ID restriction, this function is used to hidden caller ID of SIM card
number. The gateway
will add “#31#” in front of mobile number. This
function must support by Operator.
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