Additional functions include modes to display temperature in the tank or to
nd out the actual
owing current in the loop. Besides, to lock modi
cations using a password and information about
the level meter version. All of the functions are accessible from the main menu.
"DIAGNOSTICS" (Diagnostic information)
It contains information about the actual temperature inside the tank
(or about the compensated temperature) "TEMPERATURE" and
owing through the loop "CURRENT". If the temperature
compensation ("MEDIUM TEMPERATURE") is activated, the
corrected temperature is displayed.
The temperature is measured inside the tank where
the level meter is installed.
If the temperature of the measured medium is differ-
ent, we recommend you to carry out the tempera-
ture compensation "MEDIUM TEMPERATURE"
because of accuracy (see p. 15). Then the displayed
temperature is an average value from the tempera-
ture set in the "MEDIUM TEMPERATURE" and the
actual temperature measured by the sensor.
"PASSWORD " (Lock the level meter)
You can set any digital combination to lock the level meter and prevent an unauthorised person
from setting.
1. Use the buttons
in the menu "PASSWORD" to select the mode "ENTER" for
entering the password or the mode "CHANGE" for changing the password (when activated,
the words are displayed inversely). Press the button
once again to con
rm the selection.
You can change the password only when the level meter is unlocked. Otherwise, the words
"NO PASSWORD" will be displayed.
2. Now you can edit the password. The actual edited item is displayed inversely. Press the button
to move to the next position (clockwise direction); the button
serves to change the
values (0 ... 9).
3. After the operation is completed, con
rm the edited data by pressing the button
Display of status information to confi rm data:
"YES" – correctly edited password
"NO" – incorrectly edited password
"OK" – the passw. saved (only in case of "CHANGE")
The password is automatically hidden after it is
edited or changed ("00000" will appear).
To deactivate the password, edit the numerical
combination "00000" in the mode "CHANGE".
If the password is lost, contact the manufacturer.