Issued by: PM approved by DG Rev.01 date 03/09/18 pag. 7/10
Only for Rapid
Bike Racing
Feature available for
both Rapid Bike Evo
and Racing modules
EB =>
Engine braking control
TC =>
Traction Control sensitivity adjustment
Display indicates
the adjustment
over the software’s
setting (±20 points)
LEDs indicate RPM
0 means the feature is active
with the software’s setting
Press (-) to reduce
the engine braking,
(+) to increase it
Press button (-) after -19 will
switch to OFF, disabling the
engine braking management
TC sensitivity
(±5 points)
0 means TC is active with
sensitivity’s standard setting
Press (-) to reduce the
overall TC sensitivity,
(+) to increase it
Press again (-) after -5 will
switch to OFF, disabling
the Traction Control
When Traction Control
intervenes, the display
shows TC and the first two
digits of the RPMs (e.g. “TC
80” means the intervention
occurred at 8000 rpm)
When this feature intervenes, the display shows “EB”
and the first two digits of the RPMs while LEDs flash