Away Mode temporarily overrides the active mode before returning the Heater back to the previously active mode.
This is handy if you are temporarily away at the shops or on holiday and want your heating to resume as normal
operation automatically when you return.
While active, Away Mode can maintain a minimum room temperature. By default, this is set to 7 °C (frost protection
temperature). This can be modified when Away Mode is activated. The heater will also remember the last Away
Mode Target Temperature defined while Away Mode is active.
The Away countdown is set in Hours, a Date and a Target Temperature.
The starting Hours and Date show ’00 hours’ and the current date. Date and Hours are set separately on the heater,
making the feature useful for popping out to the shops or going away on holiday.
• The date set is the return date; therefore, Away Mode will end at 23:59 of the day before. E.g. if a return date of
02.02.2018 is set, Away Mode will end at 23:59 on 01.02.2018.
• If hours are set, this will extend Away Mode end from 23:59 on the day before the date set.
• If only hours and no date is set, Away Mode will count from either the current time, or if a date is set.
Away Mode
button is only used when a Timer Mode is active and allows the timer schedule to be changed
temporarily. This button allows a
Heating On’ period to begin or end early.
This is useful if you are at home when you had not planned to be, or need to leave when you had planned to have
the heating on.
If the heater displays ‘Heating Off’ and heat is required, press the
button. If the heater is in ‘Heating On’ and
heat is not required, press the
button and the heater and the heater will stop heating until the beginning
of the next ‘Heating On’ period.
Pre-action State
Heating On
(Timer Mode)
Advance activated
Heating On period switched to Heating Off until the next
scheduled ‘Comfort On’ period.
Heating Off
(Timer Mode)
Advance activated
Heating Off switched to Heating On until the next
scheduled ‘Heating Off’ period.
Heating On
(Advance Active)
Advance deactivated
Heating On switches to Heating Off. Appliance in following
schedule set in the currently active Timer Profile
Heating Off
(Advance Active)
Advance deactivated
Heating Off Switches to Heating On. Appliance in following
schedule set in the currently active Timer Profile
The ‘Advance’ Function