If not using a Dimplex mantel, the fireplace must be installed in an en-
closure with the following MINIMUM dimensions.
1. Select a suitable location that is not susceptible to moisture and is at least 1 me-
ter away from drapes, furniture and high traffic.
2. Store the fireplace in a safe, dry and dust free location.
3. Clearance for air circulation beneath the fireplace is provided by two spacers.
install the fireplace directly on carpet or similar surfaces which may restrict
air circulation. If installing the fireplace in a carpeted area, place a one-piece, solid
flat surface under the fireplace. Ensure that all feet rest securely on this surface.
4. In some jurisdictions this appliance is supplied without a plug. This is to comply
with the local regulations. In such instances, this appliance must be installed by a
suitably qualified installer and the means for disconnection must be incorporated
in the fixed wiring in accordance with the local wiring rules.