11) Delete TP
Delete TP
If you want t o dele te a
tra nspon der, pl ease s elect the Tr anspo nder
wh at you wan t to d elete and t hen p ress
ke y on t he RC U to d isplay comm and
box . The n sel ect
com mand and
the confirm mes sage box wi ll be d isplaye d.
12) Re-Sync
: W hen all loca tion o f searched
sat ellites are s hifted by u nknow n rea son,
you can r ealign all of them o nce if you a djust
one satel lite loc ation.
14) Search Option
-FTA Only
-Not searched TP only
-Sort by Scramble
: T he receiver allows you
to search chan nels w ith co nvenie nt op tions
as below.
If y ou se lect So rt by Scram ble, th e rece iver
sort the s cramb led ch annels autom atica lly.
If you s elect Not s earche d TP only, the
rec eiver search chan nels in the T P whic h is
not searc hed or new T P.
Channel Search-1)DiSEqC 1.2
13) Go to 0 for DiSEqC 1.2
: Wh en yo u insta ll the motor of DiS EqC 1 .2 ant enna a t
firs t, you can se lect th is func tion to move the ce nter o f ante nna to be 0
Channel Search-1)DiSEqC 1.2