1) Antenna
: Se lect your antenna numbe r.
5) Frequency & Symbol Rate :
6) Polarization :
7) 2 2KHz :
Ed it Freq uency and S ymbo l Rate you want.
Sele ct Hor or Ver.
Sele ct ON or OFF.
Channel Search-1)DiSEqC 1.2
Channel Search-1)DiSEqC 1.2
2) Satellite :
Edit Mode
Edit mode
Select d esired a satellite u sing
ke ys or i f you p ress
key the li st of
sat ellite will be disp layed so tha t you can
sel ect ea sily.
You can see the in forma tion o f sele cted
sat ellite i n the r ight sid e.
: If you wan t to edit th ose
pre progra mmed data such as Tra nspon der,
Fre quenc y, Sy mbol Rate, Polari zation and
22 KHz, please press
key (Red
col or key ) on the RC U. An d the n you can
mo ve into tho se co lumns to c hange the
val ue.
3) Position
: After selec ting a sate llite,
ple ase se lect Position butto n and then keep
pre ssing
k ey on the RCU until
sel ected satelli te is lo cked. If the satellite is
loc ked co rrectl y, the c olor o f signa l labe l bar
wil l be ch anged to yel low.
Wh en yo u pres s
key on the RCU , the
me ssage of Would y ou like to se t the v alue
of curren t posi tioner?
will be dis played for
you r conf irmation.
4 ) Tra n s pon d er :
S e l e c t d e s i r e d a
tra nspon der us ing
k e y s o r i f
y ou
pre ss
key the Down List B ox will be
dis played so that you can se lect e asily.