Digium, Inc.
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Chapter 2: Card Installation
Figure 6: Connect Power for FXS Modules
Many modern PCs and servers do not have either spare or any 12V power
connectors. If you have FXS modules on your card and your computer
does not have power cables available, then power must be provided to the
Analog 410 Series card by an alternate means. Digium provides a solution
to this problem with the optional PWR2400B (available separately). This
card is essentially a PCI bracket assembly that takes power from an
external DC power supply and routes it to two 15" power cables inside the
computer. You must have an available bracket slot to use the PWR2400B
(either PCI, PCI Express or AGP).
A strap on the PWR2400B card allows the two power cables to take
power from the same DC supply. The PWR2400B comes with one power
supply capable of supporting up to 24 FXS ports each, driving heavy
loads of up to 5REN. If more than 24 FXS ports with heavy loads are
connected to the PWR2400B, then a second Digium power Supply should
be purchased. The shorting strap on the PWR2400B should be removed if
a second power supply is used.