Color helps to set the color level of image through the camera.
There are three options available: Light / Normal / Colorful.
It is the function to adjust the image to compensate for an area that is overpowered by brightness
because of excessive light. The image will be properly exposed for clearness. Select to activate (ON) or
disable (OFF) this function.
Note: This function is available only in the day mode.
Mirror is used when you want to rotate the images horizontally based on your installation situation.
The options are: ON / OFF.
Smart Zoom Stand-by
Smart Zoom is designed to pause for a certain period of time before the next activation.
There are three options available: Short / Normal / Long.
Sharpness enhances the clarity of image detail by adjusting the aperture and sharpening the edges in
the pictures.
There are three options available: Soft / Normal / Sharp.
Smart Zoom Level
Here sets the sensitivity of comparing two different images when Smart Zoom is activated.
The smaller the value, the more the sensitivity (0 ~ 255. The default value is 24).
Smart Zoom Temporal
Here sets the detection frequency regarding how long one object stays in the detection area and triggers
the recording when Smart Zoom is activated.
The larger the value, the more the sensitivity (0 ~ 15. The default value is 1).
IRIS level is used to adjust the amount of light reaching the image sensor for best image results.
When the shutter speed is selected to a certain value, the iris mode is switched to “AI”. Please adjust the
image brightness here when necessary.
By pressing and dragging the slider, you can increase the value to brighten the image or decrease the
value to darken the image (0 ~ 255. The default value is 178).
4.4.1 System
Set the camera OSD display.
Camera / Smart Zoom
Select “Camera” to display the camera title you set in “General” on the screen.
Select “Smart Zoom” to display the current status of Smart Zoom when this function is set to on
in “4.4 Camera” at 19, and activated in “
” (PTZ Control).
For details, please refer to “3.3.5 Smart Zoom” at page 10.
Set the position where the OSD will be shown: U-L (top-left) / U-R (top-right) / D-L (bottom-left)
/ D-R (bottom-right).
4.4.2 Color
Adjust the color performance from Brightness, Contract, Hue and Saturation. Click and drag the
slider to preview the color change on the live view panel and adjust the image color. Then, click
“Apply” to confirm the change.
To restore the default values, click “Default”, and click “Apply” to confirm the change.