19.0 Decoder Status
The command station assigns status codes to each locomotive address in the
system. Addresses are either selectable or not selectable. Decoders are not
selectable if they are in-use on another throttle or if they are part of a consist.
If you try to select an in-use address, you will be prompted to “Steal” the
address. If you select a decoder that is part of a consist, you will be able to
send function commands but you won’t be able to control its speed or direc-
tion. The text line in the DT402 display will show
“top”, “cn”
if the
address is part of a consist, otherwise it will show
. This display is fol-
lowed by the status code for one of the following modes of operation.
Status editing is used most often when you are running non-Digitrax decoders
that do not have 128 speed step capabilities. If you can’t get a non-Digitrax
decoder to work on your layout and you are sure you are using the correct
address for the decoder, you probably need to status edit it to run in 14 or 28
speed step mode.
19.1 Status editing a Decoder
1. Press the
key to enter address selection mode, the display will begin
flashing the address on the active throttle and will display
“Sel Loco”
in the
text area to prompt you to select an address.
will also be flashing.
2. When you use the
knobs or key pad to enter the address of the
locomotive you want to select, the display will show the current status of
the decoder. To display the status code of the loco address that is flashing
in the display when you enter selection mode, just turn the throttle knob up
one address and then back to the original address and the status code will
display on the Display.
28 Speed Step Mode
14 14 Speed Step Mode
128 Speed Step Mode - Digitrax Preferred Mode
*28 FX
28 speed step-enable advanced consist mode
Reserved, Do not use
Reserved, Do not use
*128 FX
128 speed step-enable advanced consist mode