Set the sharpness of the image. The Sharpness values can be increased or lowered according
to teh AGC levels in the camera’s view. If AUTO is selected, adjust the following values:
- LEVEL: Set the sharpness level. The higher the number, the sharper the image will appear.
- START AGC: Select the AGC value where the image’s sharp lines may start to appear
smeared in low light.
- END AGC: Select end AGC value for sharpness smearing in low light. Once the AGC values
pass the set END AGC, the image’s sharp lines will no longer appear smeared if the
environment gets darker.
Adjust the camera’s signal according to the monitor you are using.
- LCD Mode: If using an LCD monitor, adjust the following settings:
- GAMMA: Set the gamma level from 0.45 ~ 1.00. 0.55 is default setting.
- BLUE GAIN: Set the blue levels form 0 ~ 100.
- RED GAIN: Set the red levels form 0 ~ 100.
- CRT Mode: If using an CRT monitor, adjust the following settings:
- BLUE GAIN: Set the blue levels form 0 ~ 100.
- RED GAIN: Set the red levels form 0 ~ 100.
The LSC function improves the brightness around the lens. Select whether to enable or disable
according to the camera’s image.
The camera’s video output is set by default to NTSC. If you need to change the camera’s video
output, select from NTSC or PAL. Reboot the camera after making any changes to the video
signal settings.