If COLOR mode is selected, the camera’s display will always appear in color, regardless of
the lighting condition.
- BURST: Select to enable or disable color burst when the camera switches from color to B/W.
- IR SMART (0~15): Enable Smart IR and set the level. Higher values will make Smart IR stronger.
- AREA: Set the Smart IR’s zone. Use the joystick controller on the camera’s board to adjust the
zone’s position. Press the enter key and use the joystick controller to adjust the zone’s size.
The Day & night settings are set according to a CDS sensor in an external IR LED board.
- D -> N Delay: Set a delay for the camera when switching from day to night mode.
- N -> D Delay: Set a delay for the camera when switching from day to night mode.
- EXT LED: AUTO: The LEDs are enabled/ disabled by the CDS Sensor on the LED Board.
OFF: The camera’s LEDs are disabled manually.
- NIGHT S/W: Based on the CDS settings in the external LED board, set the value for LOW / HIGH.