Setting the Back-light Intensity
To set the back-light Intensity press the 9 key on the keypad. The left most digit will show the
current setting. To change the setting, press the * key on the keypad followed by the new setting (1-9).
The smaller the number, the dimmer the back-light will be.
The Keypad
The keypad is made up of 12 keys, 10 numerical and 2 function keys, that control all the
information pertaining to the Crossover Plus. The numerical keys 1-9 are used to view information stored
in memory. Also when used in conjunction with the function key * the numerical keys 0-9 are used to
enter new information. The function key # has three separate functions described below.
Selecting Displayed Information
The numerical keys1-9 are used with the text next to the small red L.E.D.s to select the displayed
information. This is done by pressing the number on the keypad that corresponds to the number for the
text of the desired information. For example, to display the “Delay 1 time” the 3 key would be depressed.
Pressing the 9 key will turn off all the red L.E.D.s and bring up the back-light intensity setting.
Function Key
The function key * is used with the numerical keys for entering new times or modes. For example
to enter a new Delay 1 Time, first press the 3 key on the keypad to bring up the current stored Delay 1
Time. Next press the * key on the keypad, the display will go blank indicating it is ready to accept a new
Delay 1 Time. Use the numerical keys to enter the new Delay 1 Time into the unit, leading zeros must be
entered. As the numbers are entered they will appear on the display indicating the number was accepted
and stored into memory. Once a new value is started it must be completed before any other function of
the delay box will work.
If an error is made while entering, press the * key to erase the last digit entered. This can be
repeated as many times as necessary until the display is blank.
Function Key #
The function key # controls three separate functions.
If pressed during a delay cycle, the delay cycle will be cancelled
and the unit will be reset. This constitutes a master reset for the
delay cycle.
If pressed while the unit is not running a delay cycle,“Their Dial-In”
will be displayed and set to all zeros, making sure the next run is
not on the previous opponent’s Dial-In.
If the # key is held down while the power is being turned on, the unit
will go into a special test mode. This is described in Testing of the Unit.