Digiplex DGP-848
- 36 -
Programming Guide
System Event
Default Contact ID Report Code
when using sections [790] to [795]
Default SIA Report Code
when using sections [790] to [795]
Arming with Master Code (##)
3 4A1 - Close by user
CL - Closing Report
Arming with User Code (##)
3 4A1 - Close by user
CL - Closing Report
Arming with Keyswitch (##)
3 4A9 - Keyswitch Close
CS - Closing Keyswitch
Auto Arming
3 4A3 - Automatic Close
CA - Automatic Closing
Arm with PC software
3 4A7 - Remote arm/disarm
CL - Closing Report
Late To Close
3 4A4 - Late to Close
OT - Late to Close
No Movement
3 4A4 - Late to Close
NA - No Activity
Partial arming
1 574 - Group bypass
CG - Close Area
Quick arming
3 408 - Quick arm
CL - Closing Report
Disarm with Master Code (##)
1 4A1 - Open by user
OP - Opening Report
Disarm with User Code (##)
1 4A1 - Open by user
OP - Opening Report
Disarm with Keyswitch (##)
1 4A9 - Keyswitch Open
OS - Opening Keyswitch
Disarm after alarm with Master Code (##) 1 4A1 - Open by user
OR - Disarm From Alarm
Disarm after alarm with User Code (##)
1 4A1 - Open by user
OR - Disarm From Alarm
Disarm after alarm with Keyswitch (##)
1 4A9 - Keyswitch Open
OS - Opening Keyswitch
Auto Arming Cancellation
1 4A5 - Deferred Open/Close
CE - Closing Extend
Disarm with PC software
1 4A7 - Remote arm/disarm
OP - Opening Report
Disarm after an alarm with PC software
1 4A7 - Remote arm/disarm
OR - Disarm From Alarm
Quick disarm
1 408 - Quick disarm
OP - Opening Report
Zone Bypassed (##)
1 57A - Zone bypass
UB - Untyped Zone Bypass
Zone alarm (##)
1 13A - Burglary Alarm
BA - Burglary Alarm
Fire alarm (##)
1 11A - Fire alarm
FA - Fire Alarm
Zone alarm restore (##)
3 13A - Burglary Alarm Restore
BH - Burglary Alarm Restore
Fire alarm restore (##)
3 11A - Fire alarm Restore
FH - Fire Alarm Restore
Panic 1 - Emergency
1 12A - Panic alarm
PA - Panic Alarm
Panic 2 - Medical
1 1AA - Medical alarm
MA - Medical Alarm
Panic 3 - Fire
1 115 - Pull Station
FA - Fire Alarm
Recent closing
3 4AA - Open/Close
CR - Recent Closing
Global zone shutdown
1 574 - Group bypass
CG - Close Area
Duress alarm
1 121 - Duress
HA - Hold-up Alarm
Zone shutdown (##)
1 57A - Zone bypass
UB - Untyped Zone Bypass
Zone tampered (##)
1 144 - Sensor tamper
TA - Tamper Alarm
Zone tamper restore (##)
3 144 - Sensor tamper restore
TR - Tamper Restoral
Keypad Lockout
1 421 - Access denied
JA - User Code Tamper
AC Failure
1 3A1 - AC loss
AT - AC Trouble
Battery Failure
1 3A9 - Battery test failure
YT - System Battery Trouble
Auxiliary supply trouble
1 3AA - System trouble
YP - Power Supply Trouble
Bell output current limit
1 321 - Bell 1
YA - Bell Fault
Bell absent
1 321 - Bell 1
YA - Bell Fault
Clock lost
1 626 - Time/Date inaccurate
JT - Time Changed