User Manual
User Manual
Entering this functions allows to see the latest recording.
The recorded data are those of the flight: minimum and maximum values
are displayed as shown in the drawing below.
Recorder altimetric data are represented in a graphic form :
To zoom press ZOOM IN or ZOOM OUT keys.
The ENTER key change the measure unit of the graphic from meters to
feet and viceverse.
The CLEAR key reset the graphic to maximum zoom out.
The MENU key exits.
cilinders temperature
(CHT 1-2-3-4).
Are represented in the right part of the bar graphics. Measure unit (°C or
°F) and alarms are presettable.Scale: 0÷700 °F.
(RPM).It is an analog instrument with presettable end of
scale (4000 or 8000) and presettable alarm. If the aircratf type is set
as HELICOPTER the value of this instrument is express in percent.
It is an analog instrument with presettable alarm. It is displaied
if the aircraft type is set up as HELICOPTER or GYROCOPTER.
In the first case the value is express in percent, in the second case
the value is express in absolute.
.It is a digital instrument presettable in the Set Up.It indicates
the working hours of the engine.
oil and water temperatures
. It is a bar (right part) instrument with
presettable unit of measure and presettable alarms. Scale: 0÷300 °F.
oil pressure
. It is a bar (right part) instrument with presettable minimum
and maximum limit. Scale: 0÷15 Bar.
Warning area.
warnings window
.It is the window where appear warning messages
when one or more preset limits are exceeded.
Together with the message, the warning is indicated by the blinking of
the value out of range.
If no values are exceeded, date and present time are displayed.
Next paragraphs explain the main functions of the instrumentation page.