This jack routes the midi signal to other midi partners. MIDI data not addressed to
the Herbert gets looped through this jack.
See chapter 7 for MIDI programming instructions
Chapter Four: Three Pre-Amplifiers
Pre-Amplifiers and their Functions
The Diezel Herbert comes equipped with 3 different and totally independent
preamps. This allows the artist to play every conceivable musical style without
having to make major changes to his or her amplifier. The preamps are voiced to
deliver the 3 most wanted guitar tone flavors: 1-Clean, 2-Crunch/Heavy 3- Lead.
This concept delivers 3 stellar guitar sounds with excellent playability, warm
dynamics and razor sharp equalization possibilities. The tone controls work in an
unusually wide range, so a little adjustment goes a long way. As with so many
other things - less is often more. We suggest you start exploring the channels with
all controls set to 12:00 o’clock, and the master volume just slightly cracked open.
(To avoid hearing damage)
Channel One (Clean Tone)
Clean Tone is a very sensitive subject, because there are so many different ideas
on how a clean amp should sound like. Clean tonal textures require much higher
dynamic range than distorted sounds. From hard and percussive sounds to soft
and warm blossoming tones. Herbert was designed to offer as many of the clean
variety as possible. Your choice of guitars and pickups will have a large part in
this equation.
Channel Two (Crunch)
This channel’s main objective is to cover soft and heavy overdrive and distortion
sounds. It features a voicing switch, with -/+ settings. With the (-) setting selected,
blues and classic rock sounds can easily be realized. The (+) setting kicks
everything up a few notches and offers crunch with a good bite, allowing you to
dial in punchy heavy rhythm and searing solo tones.