Form#7.2-248 Issue#2
spring. Replace the lid with the gasket on by lowering your finger on to the
red O ring sleeve without the plunger falling out (the plunger is about 2”
long so you have room to lower your finger out of the way). The red O ring
sleeve will fit inside the pump tube and the black O ring will fit over the
outside of the pump tube and will require twisting and pushing the lid
straight back in. This is a little tight but that is what makes the seal. Rotate
the gasket and replace the screws.
Now that your standard pump is upgraded to a heavy duty pump it must be
primed. When priming the heavy duty pump hold down the knob of the
pressure regulator to prime the fuel lines to take out the air. Then turn the
dial to the lowest setting on the regulator and increase the pressure one
increment at a time until the pump is just delivering a constant flow at the