Retaining Nut
Disk Support Collar
Grinder Motor Shaft
Line Hole up with Pin
Flat Side of
Motor Shaft
Remove the disk retaining nut from the disk support collar which is
already installed on the base of the grinder shaft (FIG.2).
4. Using the hex wrench, loosen the screw holding the disk support collar on
the shaft and remove the collar (FIG.3).
5. Lubricate the full length of the grinder motor shaft (FIG.4), as well as the
inside opening of the disk support collar, the disk and the disk retaining nut
threads with a thin coat of anti-seize. Anti-seize lubricant helps prevent the
bit from seizing on the shaft and seals out ground glass particles.
Anti-seize is readily available at any hardware store.
6. Reinstall the disk support collar by aligning the flat surface of the shaft with
the collar hex screw.
7. Line up the pin hole on the bottom of the disk with the pin on the disk
support collar and lower the disk into place (FIG.5). Push disk down firmly
to minimize disk vibration and secure by threading the disk retaining nut
onto the collar.
8. Replace the water tray, grid surface, splash guard and beveling
B. Bit Installation
1. Before reinstalling the grinder bit, lubricate the top of the motor shaft and
inside the bit by applying a thin coating of anti-seize lubricant.
Slide the bit onto the motor shaft, positioning the set screw over the flat
side of the motor shaft (FIG.6). Position the bit on the shaft so at least 1/8”
of the diamond surface is exposed above the grid work surface.
3. Secure the bit to the shaft by turning the set screw clockwise with the
hex wrench.
IMPORTANT: Always secure the bit to the flat side of the motor shaft.
Tightening the bit to the rounded side can scar the shaft and prevent bit
C. Sponge Installation
The technologically advanced Super Sponge
can absorb over 10 times its
weight in water. Its superior wicking ability insures a sufficient water supply to
protect the bit and keep the glass cool.
1. Wet the Super Sponge
by immersing it in water until soft and pliable.
2. Fill the water reservoir (FIG.7) about 3/4 of the way to the top. You may
add special grinding lubricant if desired.
3. When using the grinder bit, keep the slide valve closed (FIG.8).
4. Insert the sponge between the sponge holder on the work surface and
grinder bit so that the bottom of the sponge is in contact with the coolant/
water in the reservoir and the top of the sponge is in contact with the
diamond surface of the bit (sponge may be trimmed to ensure proper fit).
5. The wet sponge should remain in contact with the bit while grinding
(FIG.9). Periodically rinse out the sponge to remove grinding residue.
When the sponge becomes worn, replace it.
6. Should your sponge become dry during periods of non-use, simply
immerse in water and reinstall.