Erasing CMOS RAM Settings
With the jumper in place (enabled, as shown in Figure 21) the CPU powers up with the default BIOS settings.
Follow these steps to clear the CMOS RAM.
1. Power-down the CPU.
2. Remove the BAT jumper.
3. Wait a few seconds.
4. Insert the BAT jumper.
5. Power-up the CPU.
Note: Before erasing CMOS RAM, write down any custom BIOS settings.
ATX Power Control Settings
The ATX power control is set using the J10 ATX jumper, shown in Figure 22.
If the ATX jumper is out, ATX works normally, and an external, momentary switch may be used to turn power ON
and OFF. A quick contact turns the power ON, and a long contact (greater than four seconds) turns the power OFF.
If the ATX jumper is in, the ATX function is bypassed and the system powers up as soon as power is connected.
This is the default setting, as shown in Figure 22.
If the ATX jumper is removed, the battery-backup for CMOS does not function when power is removed.
DAC Configuration (J13)
Jumper block J13 is used to configure the A/D and D/A circuits.
Diamond Systems Corporation
Athena II User Manual
Page 36
Figure 21: CMOS RAM Jumper Settings
Figure 22: ATX Power Control Jumper Setting
Figure 23: J13 Jumper Block