HI< 3 6 TS
Systems Description
7 . 1
This section provides description and operation of the powered
s a ilplane and its systems . Refer to section 9 , Supplements , for
deta i l s of optional systems and equipment .
7 . 2 . 1
The GFRP wings are manufactured in half-shel l sandwich construction .
The ai l erons are made of CFRP and are attached to the wing by means
of five hinge s , also made of CFRP . Schempp-Hirth type air brakes are
provided in the wings ' upper surface . They may be extended at a l l
speeds u p t o vNE . The a i r brakes have o i l dampers but must b e locke d .
This i s performed b y pushing the lever t o the forward stop overcoming
the resistance occurring after the a i r brake is retracted . The a i r
brake l ever catches when the a i r brakes a r e extended h a l f way .
The wings are connected to the fuselage with three bolts each .
The winglets are manufactured from CFRP and are attached to the wings
with 2 threaded bolts each .
Airplane operation i s also permi s s i b l e without
winglets .
f l ight
performance are not s ignificantly affected .
7 . 2 . 2
The GFRP fuselage is manufactured in half-shell sandwich construction .
A f ire-resistant fabric is sandwiched between a stainless steel
barrier and the f irewa l l . The main bulkhead is made of CFRP/GFRP .
The instrument panel i s made of GFRP . The maximum permis s i b l e mass
( weight ) of the instrument panel including the instruments instal led
is 1 7 kg ( 3 7 . 5 l bs . ) .
Revis ion No .
Doc . No .
I ssue
Page No .
3 . 0 1 . 06
Jan 1 9 9 6