Europe Diagenode sa
/ CHU - Tour GIGA - B34 - 3e étage // Avenue de l’Hôpital, 1 // 4000 Liège (Sart Tilman) // Belgium // Phone: (+32) 4 364 20 50 // Mail: info
Pump Device Installation (cat# TWi-PUMP)
Two pumps per apparatus: one is dedicated to the water flow going from the Water Reservoir Chiller to the Sonication
Water Bath (called “cold flow”), the other one is dedicated to the water flow going from the sonication water bath to the
chiller water bath (called “warm flow”).
- Cut 2 pieces of silicon tubing: one for each flow. Cut them long enough
especially if using the soundproof box.
- Glue four tube holders on chiller water reservoir. Two for the warm flow
and two for the cold flow as shown on pictures. Warm flow pipe must
discharge close to the cooling coil from the chiller water reservoir. Cold
flow must draw water far away from the warm flow pipe discharge.
This is to prevent the cold flow pipe drawing warm water.
At least, two plastic holders per pipe are required to fix appropriately the pipe because it moves constantly due to
peristaltic pump head movement.
Before gluing plastic tube holders, make sure the surface is perfectly dry, otherwise it does not glue. Gluing them while
the reservoir is completely unfilled and dry is advised.
submerge the pipe into the cold water reservoir,
the end of the pipe must be one cm above the bottom
of the tank.
Check the pipe in order to prevent any squeezed bends
as it could diminish flow proprieties.
Now, insert the 2 pipes into the 2 heads from the pump.
Follow the below steps:
Warm Water Flow
Cold Water Flow
Water reservoir
Tube holders