Chapter 2: RM3200D System Design
2.2 Functions
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2.2 Functions
RM3200D can be equipped with a maximum of:
264 input channels (mono) and 264 output channels (mono)
42 summing busses (for program busses, aux busses, mix-minus-busses/conference
matrix, PFL bus)
6 independent monitoring paths (stereo), each can be configured as output for
monitor, headphones or level metering
All inputs and Aux sends can be used as 1 or 2 channels (stereo). In stereo, all functions of
the two stereo channels (filter configurations, level values, etc.) are coupled with each other.
If necessary, the input channel for a fader can be selected using an input crossbar. With the
Input Select function, all existing inputs can be accessed even with few faders. The
selected input channel is displayed in the fader display. Logic Functions like fader start are
linked to the actual channels (not to the faders), also the parameters for the DSP functions
(gain, EQs...) in the channel.
The following functions are available on the input fader channel:
Input routing with the DHD Pool Fader Function
Summation and Aux selection
Linking to monitor busses 1...6
Several logic functions like fader start (static or impulse), monitor mute, timer start,
telephone hybrid on/off, voice/music signalisation etc. (ref. section Logic Functions)
Equalizer, various EQs can be cascaded
Limiter, compressor, expander, noise gate
The sequence of the DSP functions can be configured as required. The overall
computing power of the system determines the maximum number of DSP functions
It is possible to use DSP functions like limiters, compressors or EQs after summing busses
with the internal fixed processing functions.
To build special functions like split headphone or talkback, we have up to 54 powerful
output functions.
Also the system has a full function output routing without any restriction.
Additionally, a lot of powerful logic functions and special functions like level detectors
available. Logic functions (global functions) and fadervalues (global pots) are
interchangeable via RS232/422 to other RM3200Ds.
Important Note:
The RM3200D is not a system with dedicated functions. With the
powerful configuration software DEFINITION.EXE and the several available
hardware modules, the system can be entirely configured by the user.