Assembling & Installing the Back Brace----
3.0m, 3.7m and 3.8m antenna systems have 15/16” galvanized round tube back braces.
4.2m and 4.5m have square tube back braces. Please refer to mechanical drawing specifications on
page 7A.
There are eight holes around the rear of the 48" ring to accept the braces. First install the bent tabs. (See
FIGURES #14 & #15
) The bent tabs are a piece of steel bent in the middle, approximately 1 ½” x 3" long with two
holes; you will find these in the bolt bag. Fasten the bent tabs with ½”
bolts to the 48" ring; thread one ½”
about 2/3 of the way down on the 1/2”
rod end of the brace. Slip the rod end thru the tab and install another 1/
nut. Only tighten these finger tight. Go to the edge of the dish and place the two 1/
" x
bolts thru the dish
and into the end of the brace clip and tighten with 1/4"
Fasten the end of the back brace to the brace clip
using 3/8”
x 1 ½”
bolt and 3/8” locknut. (Refer to Figure #5 on pg. 6) Repeat this on all eight braces on the 3.0m,
3.7m, 3.8m, 4.2m, and 4.5m antenna.
Set the dish in its position for the desired satellite and walk 30 feet away and sight the front surface of the dish. It
should be flat. If it is not, adjust any braces that may be holding pressure and try to make the front surface flat.
Try to do very little adjusting and try to release pressure to make flat. Stringing the antenna in four locations is
advised. String from back braces parallel to each other across the face of the antenna, making certain the strings
are taut. Adjust so that the strings just touch in the center. (See
Page 12
for antenna fine tuning.)
The following is a list of the different back braces for the different size antennas. Check this
chart to be sure you have the right length braces
Listed is tube length only and does not include the bracket or
the bolt in this measurement. (Refer to
Dish Size
Focal Length
Tube Length
36” f/l
12' (3.7m)
57.6” f/l
12’5” (3.8m)
57.6” f/l
14' (4.2m)
57.6” f/l 62 1/2”
14’9” (4.5M)
57.6” f/l 68 1/2”
Page 7
48” RING
48” RING
2-1/2” x 2-1/2” TUBE