Document: DGP-M2 User Manual
Rev: B
8. Remove the tungsten electrode from the electrode
guide collet.
9. Put the eyeshield in place and start the grinder.
Slide the tungsten electrode into and through the
electrode guide collet and twirl the electrode (or the
pin vise holding the electrode) slowly in one direction
between thumb and forefinger as it approaches and
makes contact with the grinding surface. To retain
maximum symmetry of the point, try to keep from
moving the electrode side to side within the collet. The
best technique for this is to constantly lean the
electrode against the inside surface of the collet while
turning. Continue grinding until the desired sharpness
is obtained. Make sure to continue rotation as the
electrode is backed off from the wheel or a flat spot
may occur along the point. Contamination of the
wheels can occur by using the diamond grinding and
cutting wheels as all-purpose shop wheels. If you
grind tools or other metal items, other than electrodes,
there is always the risk of contaminating the wheels.
Table 1: Recommended grinding times for each diameter.
Electrode Cutting Assembly
The Basics
The left side of the DGP-M2 is an Electrode Cutting Assembly which includes a Diamond Cutting Wheel and cutting
apparatus consisting of a
measuring ruler on a cut-off arm
, a cut-off fork, and an adjustable indexer for cutting the
electrodes to various lengths quickly and accurately. Holes are provided for several different diameters of electrodes in
the cut-off fork. The cutting assembly rotates from a level position up towards and past the edge of the cutting wheel to
accomplish the cut. Please refer to Figures 3 and 4 on Page 8 in conjunction with the following instructions.
Electrode Diameter
Electrode Diameter
Grinding Time
5-8 sec
11-15 sec
15-20 sec
25-35 sec
30-40 sec
55-65 sec
Page 7