1.3 Encoder terminal definition
1.4 Communication terminal definition
1.5 Cooling fan terminal definition
1.7 KEY sets the button description
3.1 Query drive type (ID,PING\r\n)
3.2 Read the drive configuration parameters (ID,RCONFIG\r\n)
3.3 Restore factory settings (ID,FCONFIG\r\n)
3.5 Save all the configuration parameters (ID,EEPSAV\r\n)
3.6 Set the baud rate (ID,SBR,******\r\n)
3.7 Set the drive addresses (ID,SNA,***\r\n)
3.8 Get the number of cumulative pulse encoder (ID,GEP,*\r\n)
3.9 Reset encoder cumulative number of pulses (ID,CEP,*\r\n)
3.10 Set encoder line (ID,SER,****,####\r\n)
3.11 Set reduction ratio (ID,SGR,****,####\r\n)
3.12 Set direction mode (ID,SDIR,*\r\n)
3.13 Set the PWM signal generating method (ID,SPWM,*\r\n)
3.14 Set zero signal detection or not when start (ID,SSD,*\r\n)
3.15 Gets the current rotation speed (ID,GVC,*\r\n)
3.16 Get the maximum rotation speed (ID,GVM,*\r\n)
3.17 Set synchronous speed (ID,SVS,*,*****\r\n)
3.18 Set asynchronous speed (ID,SVR,*,*****\r\n)
3.19 Perform asynchronous speed (ID,AVR,*,#\r\n)
3.20 Get Acceleration (ID,GACC,*\r\n)
3.21 Get reduced speed (ID,GDEC,*\r\n)
3.22 Set increase or decrease speed (ID,SAD,*,*****,#####\r\n)
3.23 Get the PPM Max (ID,GPA\r\n)
3.24 Get the minimum PPM (ID,GPI\r\n)
3.25 Set PPM extreme (ID,SPPM,****,####\r\n)