drive detects encoder signal, A/B phase sequence of coding device will adapted automatically, then
PID auto-tuning will start on M1, M1 gradually runs stably, then it completes PID parameter
auto-tuning of M1. After that, it’s the PID parameter auto-tuning of M2.
4 Drive automatically reset, enter the default UART mode.
5 You can use (RS232 to UART or USB to UART) Serial Assistant software send "RCONFIG"
instruction to read drive configuration parameters, querying all saved internal parameters, at the
same time you will notice the parameter of motor with encoder turns from “Velocity Mode” to “Loop
Mode”, furthermore, it need to be noted that in the actual operation of speed control, the target speed
may not be set to be lower than the highest speed, if not, the instructions will not be respond. Please
refer to instructions set, set the configuration which you need, when the configuration is completed,
you can send directives to control the motor.
2.2 PPM interface
PPM extreme value, a very important parameter, there are two methods to set it. First, send
instruction through UART interface; second, in Set mode, while Status1 and Status2 are flashing, the
user who is using remote control model could put the corresponding joystick to its extreme location,
and holding for about 3 seconds, the drive will automatically recognize threshold value. In this
process, if S1 and S2 have already received right PWM input, Drive will calculate reliable limits
according to the signals, if there is only one correct PWM input, then the drive will use this signal as
an final limit value. Certainly, you can also send PWM signal of the two limit positions through AVR.
Regardless of which method you use, PPM limit value shall not exceed the scope 500us-2500us. In