BIOS Setup
The settings on the screen are for reference only. Your version may not be identical
to this one. Date
The date format is <day>, <month>, <date>, <year>. Day dis-
plays a day, from Sunday to Saturday. Month displays the month,
from January to December. Date displays the date, from 1 to 31.
Year displays the year, from 1994 to 2079. Time
The time format is <hour>, <minute>, <second>. The time is
based on the 24-hour military-time clock. For example, 1 p.m. is
13:00:00. Hour displays hours from 00 to 23. Minute displays min-
utes from 00 to 59. Second displays seconds from 00 to 59.
3.1.1 Standard CMOS Features
Use the arrow keys to highlight “Standard CMOS Features” and
press <Enter>. A screen similar to the one below will appear.