Award BIOS Setup Utility
HDD S.M.A.R.T. Capability
The system board supports SMART (Self-Monitoring, Analysis and
Reporting Technology) hard drives. SMART is a reliability prediction
technology for ATA/IDE and SCSI drives. The drive will provide
sufficient notice to the system or user to backup data prior to the
drives failure. The default is Disabled. If you are using hard drives
that suppor t S.M.A.R.T., set this field to Enabled. SMART is
supported in ATA-3 or later hard drives.
Video BIOS Shadow
Determines whether video BIOS will be copied to RAM. Video Shadow
will increase the video speed. Note that some graphics boards require
that this option be disabled. The default value is Enabled.
Video shadow is enabled.
Video shadow is disabled.
C8000-CBFFF Shadow to DC000-DFFFF Shadow
These categories determine whether option ROMs will be copied to
Optional shadow is enabled.
Optional shadow is disabled.