Award BIOS Setup Utility
The base memory size, extended memory size and the other memory
size cannot be altered; your computer automatically detects and displays
Base Memory
The POST will determine the amount of base (or
conventional) memory installed in the system. The
value of the base memory is typically 512K for
systems with 512K memory installed on the
motherboard or 640K for systems with 640K or
more memory installed on the motherboard.
Extended Memory
The BIOS determines how much extended
memory is present during the POST. This is
the amount of memory located above 1MB
in the CPUs memory address map.
Other Memory
This refers to the memory located in the 640K
to 1024K address space. This is the memory that
can be used for different applications. DOS uses
this area to load device drivers in an effort to
keep as much base memory free for application
programs. The BIOS is the most frequent user of
this RAM area since this is where it shadows the