BHP High Performance Butterfly Valves
November 2015
Page 25
Valve Disassembly
12. On larger sizes, remove the cover screws (A33), lockwashers (A32), cover (A31) and seal (A30)
from the bottom of the body.
13. Remove the disc pin—see Figure 14 (page 28):
On valve sizes 2–12" (50–400mm), remove the disc pin set screw (A24) and drive the disc
pin (A5) from the disc with a small punch. Do not damage the shaft with the punch.
On larger sizes, remove the two disc pins (A5) with a large screw driver.
14. Place the valve in a horizontal position with the seat side down.
15. While supporting the disc (A3), carefully pull the shaft (A4) from the body and remove the disc.
Bearing Replacement
Bearing Removal
1. Remove the upper bearing (A2) from the body through the packing chamber.
2. Remove the lower bearing (A2) from the body through the pipe plug/cover access located on
the bottom of the valve.
Bearing Replacement
1. Apply a light coat of media compatible grease to the inside diameter of the bearings (A2).
a. If bearing has a fabric liner, the bearing does not require lubrication.
2. Insert the new upper bearing (A2) through the packing chamber and into position in the body.
3. Insert the lower bearing (A2) through the pipe plug/cover access located on the bottom of the
valve and into position in the body.
For FT bearings, to increase bearing life, position the split in the bearing towards the side
of the body rather than parallel with the pipeline.