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Pic 7.9 Limit switch
4. Operate the bu�on [up down], move se�ng cursor to limit func�on and press the bu�on [enter].
At this �me you can turn on or turn off the limit func�on by choosing [up down] bu�on, please
press [enter] bu�on to confirm when se�ng done.
5. Move the cursor to [confirm] , press ENTER to save the se�ngs and exit the running parameters
page, otherwise the se�ngs are invalid.
6.If set up successfully, you can return to the menu interface, and display the LCD to [home page]
by press the [up down] bu�on. If it displayed as [u�lity power], the limiter func�on se�ngs will
be completed. Shown as picture 7.10.
Pic7.8 Parameter se�ng
When the connec�on is completed, the following steps should be referenced to use this func�on:
1. Turn on the AC switch
2. Turn on the DC switch, Wai�ng inverter LCD ligh�ng up
3. Press Enter bu�on on the LCD panel in the main interface into the menu op�ons, select
[parameter se�ng] to Enter setup submenu, and then select [running parameters] as shown in
figure 7.8, at this �me please Input the default password 1234 through pressing the bu�on [up
down, confirm], enter the opera�on parameter se�ng interface, Shown as figure:
7.3 Use of zero export func�on
Pic 7.7 Connect terminal to inverter
System Param
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