Appendix A: Additional Information Available from Dexsil
DTR-10-01 "Alternative Methods of PCB Analysis", Stephen Finch, Dexsil Corporation;
Generators Journal, Winter 1990.
DTR-10-02 "One Example Where Chromatography May Not Necessarily Be the Best
Analytical Method", S.R. Finch, D.A. Lavigne-Dexsil Corporation, R.P.W. Scott,
Ph.D.-Georgetown University; Journal of Chromatographic Science-July 1990.
DTR-11-01 "A Comparison of Current PCB Analytical Techniques", Stephen Finch-Dexsil
Corporation; PCB Forum, 3
International Conference for the Remediation of PCB
Contamination, 1991.
DTR-11-02 "Case Study of a New Field Screening Tool for Delineating Soil PCB
Contamination", Mark B. Williams, PE and John S. Flickinger-Dames & Moore
(Madison, WI), Joseph E. Shefchek, CHMM-Wisconsin Power & Light (Madison,
WI), E. Jonathan Jackson, CHMM-Haliburton NUS Environmental Corp. (Aiken,
SC); Proceedings: 1991 EPRI PCB Seminar.
DTR-11-03 "PCB Determination, Simple/Low Cost or Complex/Expensive, Which Method is
the Most Reliable in the Field?", S. Finch, pp. 45-1 to 45-4; Proceedings: 1991
EPRI PCB Seminar
DTR-12-01 "Application of a New PCB Field Analysis Technique for Site Assessment", Roger
D. Griffin-Griffin Environmental; Proceedings of Hazmacon '92 March-1992.
DTR-12-02 "Available Options for the Analysis of PCBs", Stephen Finch; Environmental
Science and Engineering p. 15., Feb.-March.
DTR-13-01 "Electrochemical Method for Surface Testing of PCB Contaminated Electrical
Equipment", Stephen Finch; 7th Annual Industry and PCB Forum, June 1993,
Canadian Electricity Forum.
DTR-13-02 "A Comparison of Popular Field Screening Methods for PCB Contamination in
Soil", Alvia Gaskill-Environmental Reference Materials, 1993 EPRI PCB Seminar.
DTR-14-02 "Comparison of the Response of PCB Test Methods to Different PCB Aroclors",
Stephen Finch-Dexsil Corporation; Proceedings of "The Tenth Annual Waste
Testing and Quality Assurance Symposium", July 11-15, 1994 Arlington, VA.
DTR-14-03 "Effect of Transformer Oil, Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Inorganic Salt as
Interferences in Field Screening for PCB Contamination of Soil", Alvia Gaskill;
Proceedings of "The Tenth Annual Waste Testing and Quality Assurance
Symposium", July 11-15, 1994 Arlington, VA.