DS-CAM-88c / DS-CAM-120c / DS-CAM-175c / DS-CAM-320c
7th step
Go to the GigE tab and set “Use trigger”.
Illustration 12: DewesoftX® hardware setup, add GigE.
“File format” should be set to
“DVI”, which is uncompressed DewesoftX® video format (takes a lot of disk space, ~35 Mbyte / s /
camera @ 640x480 and 120fps, but no video size limit) – or
“AVI”, the live compression will take CPU power, performance depends on the used computer;
but we have experienced good results with the Xvid codec (uses multiple cores); consider that
AVI will stop recording after video file size reaches 2 GB.
“compress after measurement”: if you have a triggered measurement, you can use the pause
times to automatically compress a recorded video file after storing
For manual compression after the measurement set the appropriate compressor in “AVI file type for
compression”. We recommend the XVID codec. In Analysis mode you can then manually select your
datafile and click “AVI compress”.
Illustration 13: AVI compress after measurement
DS-CAM-88c / DS-CAM-120c / DS-CAM-175c / DS-CAM-320c DS-V20-2