mount and that at least one of the
tripod legs is facing you.
Loose shock mount hinge
Frequent use may cause to the
shock mount screw to come loose.
Use a standard screwdriver to
tighten the screw.
Microphone sound is
too quiet
Microphone is placed too
far away
Place the microphone directly in
front of the audio source. If this has
a minimal effect, then try to raise the
volume slightly.
Microphone is too loud
or sounds distorted
Microphone is too close to
source / Gain or volume is
too high
When amplifying high volume sound
sources (like a drum kit), it is
advised to place the microphone
further away and lower the gain or
volume of the equipment to which
the microphone is connected.
The information included in this manual is subject to change at any time and without notice
Date and Author Initials: 30-04-2020 RV
Revision Date and Author Initials: -