3 ong-range trans itters and transceivers such as co
ercial roadcast trans itters
radio and V roadcast antenna towers and a ateur
M radios
Because EM energy ra idly eco es ore intense as one oves closer to the trans itting
antenna source the EM ields ro hand-held radio wave sources transceivers are o
s ecial concern It is ossi le to unintentionally ring high levels o EM energy very close
to the ower chair control syste while using these devices his can a ect ower chair
ove ent and raking here ore the warnings listed elow are reco
ended to revent
ossi le inter erence with the control syste o the ower chair
Other types of hand-held devices, such as cordless phones, laptop computers,
AM/FM radios, TV sets, CD players, and cassette players, and small appliances,
such as electric shavers and hair dryers, so far as we know, are not likely to
cause EMI problems to your motorized scooter.
Power Chair Electromagnetic Interference
Electro agnetic inter erence EMI ro sources such as radio and V stations a ateur
M trans itters two-way radios and cellular hones can a ect the ower chair
Following the warnings listed elow should reduce the chance o unintended rake release
or ower chair ove ent which could result in serious in ury
1 Do not o erate hand-held transceivers trans itters-receivers such as citi ens and
CB radios or turn N ersonal co
unication devices such as cellular hones
while the ower chair is turned N
2 Be aware o near y trans itters such as radio or V stations and try to avoid co ing
close to the
3 I unintended ove ent or rake release occurs turn the ower chair FF as soon
as it is sa e
Be aware that adding accessories or co
onents or odi ying the ower chair ay
ake it ore susce ti le to EMI and
Re ort all incidents o unintended ove ent or rake release to the distri utor listed
on the inside ront cover o this anual Note whether there is a source o EMI near y
Important Information
1 2 volts er eter V
is a generally achieva le and use ul i
unity level against EMI
as o May 1
he higher the level the greater the rotection
2 he i
unity level o this roduct is 2 V
Instruction Booklet
Issue 2